Covid 19 Life from Home and Your Wellness Journey
10:58Whitney HillsGood afternoon and happy monday! Now that we have gotten weeks into life in isolation, I know that many of you are starting to attempt to adapt as much as possible and make the best out of the situation. Everyone is really having their own experience and coping in the best ways possible (hopefully). I really feel for all of you who are trying to work from home and take care of your children, those who are alone and isolated, and those going into stressful work experiences on the daily. Those who own businesses or who are struggling to pay your rent are also experiencing very tough times. Compassion for yourself and others around you is so very important right now.
You may have been consuming more baked goods, having awful sleeps and drinking more than usual. Alternatively you could be be oversleeping, lethargic or breaking out into tears on the regular...all totally normal experiences.
I have gone from being very productive and active to days where I stay in bed reading trashy news articles. Finding a rhythm and balance can be challenging, but I have always noticed that I thrive when on a routine and schedule.
I miss my clients so so much (nothing breaks me out of a morning tired funk than a good session with one of my ladies), but am trying to adapt the best way possible, and take on healthy coping methods.
Given that some of us will probably not have this much time on our hands for a while, it is a good time to take control of our lives and maybe reap some benefit and self discovery from this down time,
So here are some questions to ask yourself. I will fill out my own answers to stay accountable! Please send me yours if you need some help or accountability. I encourage my clients to commit to this!
1. What are some positive habits or things I have discovered about myself?
- Being accountable and setting up a schedule for oneself really helps
- I am really enjoying my essential oils, nature/yoga soundtracks, candles and relaxation time. If I avoid this and watch the news, it seriously impacts my mood.
- I am actively trying to waste less and am more eco-conscious.

- I have set up a Youtube channel and learnt how to create movies/workouts online
- I have set up and cleaned organized the rooms in my condo, creating a better and more peaceful space
- I am doing more cooking
- Hot showers/baths
- Listening to sleep music
- Deep breathing
- Daily sunlight when possible
- Putting on music and dancing/moving

- Being more consistent with (health/nourishing) meals/food, increase leafy greens
- Be more communicative and understanding in my relationships during this time
- Bring more consistent with yoga (1 class/ week)
- Avoiding reading the news/phone at bedtime-- specifically learning to sit with a process thoughts at the end of the night rather than stay up and snack
- Being nicer to myself re: not having access to weights and seeing muscle mass decrease
- Go for 2 bike rides per week
- Avoid night time snacking/cut sugar for 5 days
- Continue on with 30 days of meditation
- Book in one yoga session (done for wednesday) and my first online therapy session
- Source local products that I need
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