My experience at the SAF Fall Spectacular

23:21Whitney Hills

I've been meaning to about my experience at the SAF Fall Spectacular, but haven't had the right moment. I've been waiting to sit at an actual computer, but here I am, awake at 2am with a wake up call in 3 hours. So here we go...

I decided to enter a fitness competition because I've always wanted to have muscle definition, to be lean, to look like a pro trainer.  In my years of consistent training, I had yet to achieve a look that stands out, or get defined abs. Getting a pro card of course is a goal that many trainers dream of. From previous experience, entering these sorts of competitions seems to be the only thing that keeps me on track with my diet and away from the alcohol, partying and bingeing on crappy food when I'm stressed. I have been wanting to step on stage for the last few years, but life circumstances and injury have gotten in the way. I decided this spring that this would be the year.

After I decided to compete I found out my fiance would be traveling. Initially I expected to be alone for 3 weeks, and now we are approaching the five month mark.  So I plugged away and learnt to live alone for the first time in my life. I stopped drinking, stuck to my diet and was quite surprised at the changes I saw. It was definitely a struggle trying to navigate a long distance relationship while dealing with the emotionally trying prep. For someone that loves companionship, it is, and continues to be very hard. At the same time it was a blessing in that there was no one to 'misbehave' with.

The weekend of the comp was pretty much a bust. From a last minute cancelled and rebooked flight, wrecked hair (my mother saved the day and fixed this), a smeared tan (thanks so much to the lovely Eve for helping me patch it up), being overmedicated, unslept and bit too strung out. Also it didn't help the bf spent the majority of the weekend on the phone with work...major buzzkill to say the least.

At the end of the day, despite being disappointment with my performance, I got my Pro Card and placed 3rd in bikini! The whole SAF experience was out of this world! The caliber of athletes was unreal, and it was a tremendous experience. The pros blew me away and I will definitely work my ass of to step it up to their caliber. The video clips from the comp were mind blowing...if you haven't seen it on my facebook, check it out

Now that the show is over I am slowly adapting to the cold weather and have fully been enjoying Ontario apples and squash and some delicious treats that I had been avoiding. I am finding that the self control and will power that I had weeks ago has been slipping away, and may try to compete in another 5 weeks, as it seems to keep me happy and motivated through the darker months. While competing is fun, I truly love lifting weights and pushing myself, and I do it for how it makes me feel, as it truly keeps me (somewhat) sane.

I love the process because I gained insight to my behaviour patterns, and adapted many healthy routines that I have been striving to maintain, such as foam rolling, stretching, taking vitamins and going to bed early. I can honestly say I no longer have an urge to drink alcohol.

I am definitely proud of myself for doing my own coaching, nutrition and make up, and for managing to successfully train without counting macros or even having a gym membership. Another feat was while rehabbing a chronic injury along with a broken toe at 8 weeks out. I have a long way to go, but this is only the beginning. Achieving your  goals and surpassing what you never thought possible is a wonderful experience. It is always a thrill meeting other women at these events, each with their own unique story and experience, and no one having an easy go.

Thanks to:
Doug and the entire SAF team
Bronwen for hair and make up lessons, jewellry and dog sitting. You mean the world to me 😚
Dara Cox for all answering my questions, listening to low carb ramblings and the suit.
Kim Allen for the posing lessons 😊
Mandy at Glo2Go for the tan
Sugar Dolls for the waxing
Kathy at Aroma for the nails
My parents for driving me to the competition and supporting me through 6 hours of fitness comp!
Mike for the flowers, present and support 
Ash for the jewellery and just being amazing
Tara for dog sitting
And everyone else , especially all of my clients, who believed in me through the process and listened to my insanity.

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