The Nasty Leg Workout

09:35Whitney Hills

Two of my lovely clients of mine and myself embarked upon a very interesting leg workout today, which I thought would be fun to share. Give er a go and use a weight that you find challenging.


20 seconds jump squats
10 seconds rest
20 seconds jump lunges
10 seconds rest
20 seconds burpees 
10 seconds rest
20 seconds mountain climbers

Rest 2 minutes

Circuit #1. Squats 10 sets of 10 reps (use a challenging weight- I used a 65lbs dumbbell, barbell is preferable)
Dumbbell Squat

45 seconds planks between first 5 sets, 45 seconds reverse crunch between the last 4 sets

Circuit #2. Split squats 5 sets of 10 each side (I used 2x 25 lbs dumbbells, but this was too easy) 

Crunch on ball in between sets, 20 reps
Split Squat

Circuit #3. 3-5 sets of dumbbell or barbell dead lifts, 10 reps each. (I used 70lbs).

Circuit #4 45 seconds on bridges on the ball x 3 sets

Between sets do oblique crunches- 40 reps

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