Power of Success-- Part 1

14:29Whitney Hills

I had the privledge of attending the Power of Success seminar with many amazing speakers last Wednesday. It was a great energy to be surrounded by so many motivated individuals who are all passionate about bettering their lives. I wanted to get my notes typed up to keep them preserved (personally I have legit concerns that the dog may actually eat my homework) and thought that this would be a great opportunity to get another blog out and a chance to share some of the information with my lovely friends and clients. So here are some tips to finding the best version of yourself--whatever you may be working on. Excuse the haphazard notes and hopefully something worthwhile sticks out.

  • Do not be more committed to others success' than your own
  • Success is a function of having a lot of fun and enjoying what you do
  • The ability to wake up and WANT TO vs HAVE TO go to work is important-- find your passion
  • Be a tailsman and surround yourself with others-- be a good luck charm, aim to function with a higher vibrational frequency
  • Attend your own seminars-- share your knowledge with others (I love sharing good books, movies, etc that I'm passionate about and that get me thinking! I have passed along Tony Robbins MP3s to countless people after one of my tailsmans shared it with me :)

  • Do not be afraid of crisis. Crisis usually means that quality change can happen. I was just reading a facebook thread from another influencer who had many commenters pipe up about their experiences with something traumatizing turning their lives into something great. I had my own personal crisis over the last year. Getting out of the comfort zone and into change and unknown proved to be the best decision of my life. You never know what is waiting one choice away. I can remember the exact moment when I said "fuck this, I'm trying something new, there's gotta be something better out there for me."  I kid you not, three days later that something better appeared. 
  •  The outside world cannot see your internal emotions. Play your role. Be brave, get out there. 
  • There is no failure just unexpected consequensces
  • There is no rejection, just people who don't appreciate quality
  • Be resilient... successful people make many attempts
  • Being overwhelmed, anxious and fatigued can easily take over our lives and get in the way of our goals and success. My personal notes here are to take care of yourself in a way to prevent these emotions/feelings from surfacing. Self care such as healing nutrition, exercise, yoga/meditations and a happy home life are some key factors that can make a difference in your overall health and well being, and are absolutely key for myself to be the Whitney that I want to be.
 7 secrets of success     
1. Be the person who really knows-- be informed. Do not get your news from facebook. 
2. Be an audacious dreamer-- dreams are scary
3. Be analytical and creative-- connect and then tradject the dots
4. Be prolific-- winners lose more than losers
5. Love NO
6. Communicate like magic
7. Collaborate like a champion

You are valuable-- every second you interact you have an opportunity to provide value
Be enthusiastic-- when the fire burns out the predators come in. 

A side personal note on the above. It can be hard to be a coach, mentor, motivator when your fire has burnt out. Having been dealing with adrenal fatigue, the point is really driven home about how we need to take care of ourselves to be our best selves. While the last couple weeks have been a huge challenge with competition prep and running a business, this has been a huge breakthrough because I hit a small crisis and was forced to make some changes out of my comfort zone. I have also always had no trouble getting lean for my comps-- the last two I've been holding water and had unbalanced hormones despite proper supplementation. There is no getting away from proper rest and and meditation, and while frustrated and wanting to give up, I am trying to take my own advice and go forward with a positive attitude and a focus on health and wellness. Many times a day the negative voices come in. Thankfully knowledge and a good support system can help one through the rough patches. Greatful for all of those making laugh and keeping me up. 

Lots more information from the seminar to come.


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