
New Years Resolutions

17:24Whitney Hills

      It's almost January 1st and there's whispers of resolutions and change in the air. It seems people are either into making changes, or totally against the idea of setting a date to set impossibly high standards and unrealistic goals. A study from 2007 showed that 88% of resolutions fail.
 So why do I think resolutions are a good thing? Heres why:

  • Resolutions typically involve acts of kindness (ie volunteering, being nice, not complaining) or self-improvement. I think any act of self-improvement, including trying to better ones health, should be celebrated and embraced. There is absolutely nothing wrong with making changes, even if there is a set date for making the change. Ideally these changes are sustainable, life habits that will stick around into the year.
  • The trick to making resolutions stick is to make them realistic and sustainable. While many people think setting a number will make them more motivated, I believe it is too much pressure. Rather than opting to lose 10 pounds, 5 inches, or 2 dress sizes, try to do something like exercise 3 times a week, have a vegetable at each meal, or avoid negative self-talk. 
  • Another great thing about resolutions is social support. You can become accountable to others because many people are trying to make changes after an indulgent holiday. Support one another. Work out together, create a facebook accountability page, go to a support group.
  • If you feel like you realistically cannot meet your goals, hire a professional. Whether your goals be financial, health based, home based, find someone that can teach and motivate you. The money will be worth it when you feel the accomplishment. Your health and wellbeing is so worth it.

So what are your goals this year? I'm working on reducing alcohol intake to one day a week, swapping coffee for tea, and being mindful in all that I do (or at least reminding myself to be mindful at least once a day:)

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