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Parsley, diary, New Years check in

08:37Whitney Hills

         Parsley, while a popular herb in cooking, is often overlooked as a nutritional powerhouse. Full of antioxidants including a very high vitamin C content, Parsley is an alkaline food and has anti-inflammatory properties. It is an excellent source of vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, and iron! Juiced parsley, or parsley in smoothies can aid is liver and kidney detoxification, and is a great way to cleanse the body. It is a natural energy booster, and I love a bit in my smoothies in the morning, or as a tea with lemon. If you have kidney disease please speak to your nephrologist as parsley is high in phosphorus and potassium and oxalates and may be contraindicated.
 I made a simple Parsley and Cilantro sauce for white fish in my magic bullet. It was surprisingly easy and delicious, and a quick way to get the health benefits of two herbs.
Try some of these recipes to incorporate parsley into your diet.
Alton Brown Parsley Salad recipe
Quinoa Tabule
Parsley Pesto
Cilantro Chimichurri

Yes, I'm wearing these in public.
       I was reminded this morning that we are now 1/6th of the way through 2015. Are you all on top of your goals and priorities, or are you slipping back into old habits? I will admit I have slipped a few times on some of my goals, but woke up this morning and took the reins back and got right back up on that proverbial horse.

Slips are part of the process, but it is really necessary to learn and grow from each time that we stumble. If you have a bad food day, ask yourself what emotions caused you to make poor eating decisions. Were you hungry and desperate or tired, bored, lonely, stir-crazy in this cold weather?
I'm definitely learning that there are more components to health than I originally thought. I'm starting to realize organization is becoming important to me. Tidying up my space, getting good nutrition in the morning, de-cluttering helps me mentally. It also makes me more likely to exercise and get off my butt due to the feeling of empowerment.
Challenge yourself once a week to do something outside of your comfort zone that might be a bit difficult, even when everything feels like a chore in this weather. 

I also wanted to introduce everyone to a fabulous blog from a dear friend of mine, who I find very wise and inspirational. Be sure to check it out http://www.heartmindsoul.ca/intro/ 

Another great blog and healthy recipes are located here:http://talesofakitchen.com/cookies-brekky-bars/grown-up-dark-chocolate-quinoa-cookies/

Check out the quinoa cookie recipe, as well as other tasty, healthy treats. Check out her smoothie recipes. Can't wait to try the coconut chai!

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