fat loss featured

Weight loss by the numbers...

20:25Whitney Hills

      Fat loss is tough. Really tough. The reality is that exercise is AMAZING for your health, but since most people lead sedentary lifestyles, it is the bare minimum to keep one healthy. When someone has fat loss as a goal (most women do) I tell them from the get-go, give yourself at least three months to see change in your body. Embarking on an exercise routine is a challenge in itself. Getting yourself into a regular routine (especially during the winter) and tailoring your nutrition to the point of fat loss is nothing short of a miracle.
  Losing fat takes sheer devotion and discipline. Bottom line. It's not easy. If it was we wouldn't have such an obese population. Lets take a look at the numbers of fat loss (please keep in mind hormones also play a huge part in fat loss, and its not as black and white as I am writing, but this is a very good starting point)
1 pound of fat = 3500kcal..therefore to loss a pound you need to be in a calorie deficit of 3500kcal.

So  my BMR (basal metabolic rate, or the base number of calories burned per day, based on height, weight and age ) is 1341.5 kcal. This does not account for exercise. HOWEVER, when instructing people to lose fat, I say take this number as your daily requirement. The extra exercise should be the work that puts you into a calorie deficit and will allow for weight loss.

Check your BMR here http://www.bmi-calculator.net/bmr-calculator/
Now BMR or that Harris Benedict Equation (which allows more accurate caloric requirements based on activity) does not account for lean muscle mass. I know that I require a hell of a lot more than 1341 kcal because I walk about 2 hours a day, and I have more muscle than most females. I say every pound of muscle burns about 50kcal a day.

Lets say my BMR is 1341 kcal and I would like to lose 5 pounds. Let's go on the conservative side and say I am lightly active which means my daily calorie requirement would be 1843 kcal a day to maintain my weight. There's 7 days in a week, so to lose a pound a week I would need to be in a deficit of 500kcal a day.

Here are some of the ways I could burn those calories:
1 hour of running (slowly) would burn about 470 kcal
1 hour of vigorous weight lifting burns 354 kcal
1 hour of yoga is about 240 kcal

So lets say I do 3 half hour weight training sessions, and 2 half hour runs, and a half hour of yoga in one week. My calorie deficit is now 708 kcal for the week from exercise.
Which means I need to lose another 2792kcal through food intake if I want to lose a pound a week. That is a little daunting, meaning I need to eat only 1444kcal plus do my exercise to lose weight.
Ideally I would be eating breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, and dinner. So when planning my day it would look something like this:

breakfast: 300 kcal
snack: 250 kcal
Lunch: 300kcal
snack: 250 kcal
Dinner: 350kcal

This is just approximate but is a general guidleline on how to allot calories.

NOOOWW....I HATE CALORIE COUNTING! I did it for years when starving myself, and refuse to do it now (unless training for a show). However, if you want to be successful in your goals for weight loss it is absolutely necessary. I do not think it is a lifetime solution (unless you want it to be), and as you get used to your new life style, and optimize your hormones and build muscle, you will understand how to eat and not need to do this tedious awful process.

If you want to succeed you need to understand these basic facts (again they are oversimplified here) and work with them. It is easy to slip and cheat and using myfitnesspal.com is a great way to be accountable.

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