Quack Quack Quack

16:50Whitney Hills

           I have been doing a lot of research lately. One of my clients has some rare allergies, and another non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Both haven't had much luck with help from the medical field, unfortunately. I have spent hours reading journals, allergist blogs, and textbooks. I  eventually stumbled across some more "natural" websites which promote liver cleansing to cure your allergies and get rid of liver stones. I chuckled but read on, intrigued. Why is it that all these hokey sites are designed so poorly as well?

        Check out this link. The writer has a PhD and is a naturopath apparently.Please don't try this at home. Here is a testimonal about the experience. The short version of the cleanse is that you fast and then drink olive, oil, epsom salts, and grapefruit juice. You immediately lay down and can feel the stones leaving your gallbladder or liver. uh huh...In the morning you will either puke or puke and poop, but out will come up to 300 little green "stones". You will also feel fantastic. Or be very, very sick with a possiblity of epsom salt overdose. Awesome.

http://zap.intergate.ca/liver.html, these are what come out  
          This amazing website goes into detail about why this doesnt work. So the balls are actually formed from a combination of the oil and grapefruit juice and salts. They are not any sort of stone at all. Some naturopaths teach this in their practice, some people partake in these once a month. What a waste! These websites are all over the internet promoting these dangerous practices, and people are trying to treat problems that aren't there. They probaby feel better because they have finally gotten a good bowel movement and fasted for a day, avoiding allergens. Some claim they can tolerate the foods they are allergic to for a couple days after. This could be psychological.
           It is so hard to know what is reaI or not. I suggest you check out previous links opinion on Doctor Oz. My chiropractor said it best "there is not enough wrong with you to have a different show every single day on a health topic. It is misinforming the public and causing unjust fear." In regards to allergies, I have read about treatments that include past life therapy and cranosoacrial therapy, these are the best testimonials that I have ever read. It makes it hard to differentiate between alternative therapies that work, and those that are a waste. Having a psych minor I understand that many of us have issues and maybe trying something different may be useful. It is not for everyone, but that's ok. I'm currently using magnesium gel for my sore body. A client gave it to me. I know it cant pass through the skin (I have something else that does ;) but I didn't pay for it, and I'm desperate.
              I am going to say that I do believe magnesium glycinate, omega 3's, and vitamin D can help you feel better in the winter months. Those of you that know me, understand I go through huge changes with lack of sunlight. I strongly recommend supplementing now, and making sure you get those workouts done to keep your mental health in check ;)


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