I recently had a new client ask if she was too old to see results with a workout program and diet. I had just been thinking that a lot of my senior clients had been seeing some great results lately, but the ones that were successful were the ones that were consistently exercising and eating well. They are busy lawyers that get up at 6am to get 45 mins of at-home training done 4 times a week. They are the ones that don't miss sessions and stick to a healthy eating plan most of the time.
I reassured the client that she would be fine, and she came back the next week having lost over a pound with 2 weeks of clean eating. Another client got told by his doctor that he needed to lose a significant amount of weight in a short period of time due to a health and medication issue. He had not been serious with his diet, and due to his job as a pediatric surgeon (requiring travelling and conferences and writing deadlines) was often MIA from sessions for months at a time. Last month we got together, wrote a meal plan, and agreed to reunite in a month. Well the time came, and he had lost about 15 pounds in the 4 weeks. He made it to the gym every day after work, stuck to his diet 100% and didn't even want his allocated cheat days. He was amazed at how much better he felt, and told me his stress had caught up to him and taken over his life. Now this man is the busiest person that I have ever met, and he managed to make his health a priority. There is no excuse.
These ladies have transformed their lives in the last few years! Effort and energy=results |
If weight loss is important to your health and you are gaining or maintaining despite your efforts, it is time to ask yourself what you are doing wrong. Sometimes it takes time to see a difference, and if you are honest with yourself about your efforts, it is ok to be stagnant and hit a plateau. Especially in women it may take a few months for a weight shift if you are not drastically overweight. However if nothing is happening and you are not getting to the gym 3 times a week or following your nutrition plan, it may be time to re-evaluate how you are going to fit in your workouts despite your schedules.