New Years Resolutions

11:54Whitney Hills

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday! Time to lace up the boots (and running shoes) and get back to work (and working out!). While many people are sick of making the traditional types of resolutions that set us up to fail, setting goals is imperatitive to bringing about positive change. Here are some tips to make a resolution you can stick to and feel good about:
1. Be specific! Rather than saying you want to lose weight, or get fit, choose something you can measure and give yourself a time line to do it in. Try losing 5 pounds in a month, or running a 10k by may, or even getting into the gym 4 times a week,
2. Be accountable. Find someone to help you and follow up on your goals. Whether it be a trainer, running group, or over eaters anonymous or weight watchers. If you want to do a 10km sign up right away, don't leave it so that you can back out. Paying for a service is one of the best ways to ensure that you will commit. While your friends may have good intentions, they also have their own issues. Don't rely on them to achieve your goals!
3. Don't jump on the bandwagon. Just because everyone on your facebook is a raw food vegan, doesn't mean it is a good idea. Some people tolerate this diet really well, others do not and can get sick. We are all different, and one meal plan or way of living will not work for everyone. Listen to what works for your body. Processed foods, refined sugar, chemicals, and deep frying generally does not work for anyone. Lean meat, dairy, what, and fish is variable. Ask yourself what type of changes you can realistically make work with your lifestyle. Do not cut out whole food groups unless you are working with a professional that advises you to do so.
However, this could be a good time to try something different. If you have been experiencing allergy symptoms and are wondering about an elimination diet, or want to try veganism or vegetarianism, give it a shot for a smaller time frame. Starving yourself is not a good idea, but trying something new and adapting some healthy aspects into your normal life is a great idea. Restricting the things you love will set you up for a binge. Being a vegan while eating unhealthy and processed vegan foods is not a good idea either (ie fries).

The most beautiful tree from my holiday
4. Don't go crazy. Working out 3 hours a day for a month and then never stepping foot in a gym again is just stupidity. Take it slow to build up strength and endurance. You need to build up your tendon and ligaments as well as your cardiovascular ability before lifting really heavy or working out too hard. There is a difference between pushing yourself and over-training, which puts you at risk for injury. Working with a professional can help you to understand the difference. You want to keep up a maintainable exercise program. 3 hours a day is not healthy, or maintainable for most people.

What are your goals this year? We will explore more about this topic as the month goes by. Im setting some goals and challenges for my clients, and will write about those who achieve those goals. So watch your fb walls my dear clients, I will be sending you a challenge shortly ;)

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