Vegan week starts tomorrow

12:20Whitney Hills

            So tomorrow marks the start of my one week vegan challenge! I have been overdoing it with cheese and fatty foods for the last week, and it is time for a detox. My stomach has been flipping over, bloated, and sore. The hardest part for me will be the cheese, yogurt sushi, and eggs. I can remove the meat without a problem. I am also going to cut out most gluten (I will avoid bread and baked goods ((most have have eggs and butter anyway)), but probably wont read the labels on sauces). I'm excited to see what changes happen. I have very stuffy sinus', and am hoping this helps. I know my body pretty well, and it functions most efficiently with eggs and dairy, along with fish, but I think it is worth a shot. Anything to get me off the cheese!
          My new years resolution is to make yoga a regular activity in my life. Today was my first class, and it was absolutely amazing. I am hoping that the numbness in my legs and arms disappears when I get into regular practice. I think Bikram yoga will help even more.
         I am also working on cooking a lot this week. Yesterday I made an amazing salad. Fennel is probably my favourite food. The bulb is great for digestion, and really eases a sick tummy. At only 8 kcals a cup, it is a fantastic way to fill up. I sliced up a bulb of fennel, combined it with 1/2 can of mandarins, with a few tablespoons of the juice from the can (no sugar added of course, you could use your own mandarins or sugar rock tangerines), and 3/4 of a diced avocado. Threw on some cracked peppercorn and it made a delicious and easy salad. Tonight's dish is golden chicken curry with tons of veggies and served over mashed cauliflower.

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